Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Today's hike

Today, I hiked in the Verdugo Mountains, starting from the Beaudry Fireroad trailhead, off Beaudry Blvd in Glendale, up to Verdugo Peak, the highest point in the Verdugo Mountains. Total distance was about 10.2 miles, in just under 4 hours. This was one of my longest hikes, and i was pretty BEAT when I was done.

I have been to Verdugo Peak quite a few times from other starting points - up the Hostetter fireroad from La Tuna Canyon, and up from the Stough Nature Center in Burbank. This is actually the longest route I have taken. I tried this once before, but ran out of time, and turned around at the Brand Library trail crossing. But I made it all the way this time.

One funny thing - when I got far enough up that I thought I would be able to see my destination, I first spotted a mountain top with radio towers, as I expected. But it was REALLY far off. I thought to myself "you must be kidding! No way are you going to make it up there!" Then I realized I was looking at Mt Lukens - about 8 to 10 miles away, across the La Crescenta valley. I hope to hike that someday soon. But I was glad it was not my target today! Soon, I spotted my real destination - and it looked pretty far off as well, protected by a big hill - but as I got closer, it did not seem so bad - and it wasn't.

Click here to see just a few photos I took along the way - nothing special, and not comprehensive, but they may give you a feel for the trail. They were taken with my cell phone - sorry for the poor quality.

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